Sean’s Blog
walking anger into the ground
An Eskimo custom offers an angry person release by walking the emotion out of his or her system in a straight line across the landscape; the point at which the anger is conquered is marked with a stick, bearing witness to the strength or length of the rage. ~ Lucy...
you’re the product
Back in 2006, I joined Facebook because MySpace sucked. The page was cleaner then. The goal was straight-forward. I could easily find old friends without paying a fee. This was still early days for internet businesses. We were surrounded by free services. Google =...
you know it when you see it
The truth is you know it when you see it. We shroud Truth in complexity. We like to give it shades and assign it attributes like “truthiness.” We argue over it. We declare it. We even claim exclusive knowledge of it. Sometimes, we even spell it with a capital “T.” But...
Truth is a process
It’s not static. We can’t hold it in our hands for very long. It feels great when we possess it, but it’s wild and free. The truth is that yesterday we all agreed to split the bill. Today, some of us want a discount. This could take a while for us to sort out. In the...
perfect as the enemy of the good
Don't let the perfect become the enemy of the good. Often we give up on pursuing good things because they are not perfect solutions. The problem is, we have to start somewhere and sometimes taking the first step, however imperfect it may be, is the important part. The...